Natural His-Story Museum
Is Evolution Fact or Faith? The Natural His-Story Museum interprets scientific evidence from a biblical worldview. Digging into the scientific evidence that indicates a world-wide flood can explain most of the fossils and the layers in the earth. Christians need to be able to connect the natural world with the Bible or else God becomes… read more
Dinosaur Science Museum – Keene, TX
When you visit the Dinosaur Science Museum, you have the unique opportunity to interact with one of America’s largest dinosaur fossil collections. Located on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University, visitors can observe where more than 30,000 dinosaur bones are cleaned, cataloged, and preserved. This museum is the result of years of passionate, hard work…. read more
DINOS Centre – Innisfail, AB
DINOS (Discovery Institute of Nature, Origins, and Science) is a safe and fun environment for families and friends to learn and play together. It features an Indoor Mini Golf with iconic North American Geological formations such as a flowing Niagara Falls. As you play, explore how geology fits into Biblical History. Continue your discovery of… read more
Wonders Centers & Science Museum
Just 35 minutes from Downtown Nashville, founded by David Rives Ministries, the Wonders Center & Science Museum is the largest science museum in the world that upholds biblical values. Driven by Christian principles, each exhibit is designed to inspire visitors as it highlights wonders in the fields of science and history. Its purpose is to… read more
NWA Bible Museum – Eureaka Springs, AR
Located on The Great Passion Play Grounds, this Cultural and Biblical History Museum provides a brief snapshot of the history of creation and mankind and how the Bible fits into that. The museum focuses on providing evidences (apologetics) for God’s existence, as well as why Christian theism and the Bible provide the most logical and… read more
God’s Creation Wildlife Museum – Plymouth, NC
Come visit God’s Creation Wildlife Museum where you will find mounted displays of anmials from Alaska to Africa, creatures from all continents, with four galleries including: North America, Africa, and the Multinational Gallery. You can hear stories about big cats and scary snakes on a guided tour, or walk through the museum at your… read more
Creation Research Centre
The Creation Research Centre is the home for Creation Research in the UK. It sits under the watchful eye of umbrella organization Creation Research Worldwide, and includes the entities of Creation Research UK, The Creation Research UK Museums Project, Indiana Joe, and the Zoological Centre for Creation Research. Creation Research UK exists to seek evidence… read more
Creation Science Centre – Cornwall, ON
Learn about the concrete evidences which Scripture has expressed. Children will be engaged and parents amazed at the Creation Science Centre in Cornwall, Ontario.
Ark Encounter – Williamstown, KY
The Ark Encounter features a full-size Noah’s Ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible. Spanning 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, this modern engineering marvel amazes visitors young and old. The Ark Encounter is situated in beautiful Grant County in Williamstown, Kentucky. As you enter Noah’s world aboard… read more
Christian Evidences Museum – Winnepeg, MB
In 2002 the Feakes family and began acquiring artifacts and building displays to use as teaching aids in defense of biblical creation. The “Christian Evidences Museum” was initially housed in a basement rec-room until summer ’07. During that time, the Feakes family hosted many tours including homeschoolers, youth groups, Bible study groups, and families interested… read more